Police must resume gazette notice for vacant positions

Letters, Normal

The National, Monday September 14th, 2015

 THE prolonged delay in publishing call out notice for promotions through the police gazette is cause for grave concern among members of the RPNGC, especially the hard working officers in the field.

This instrument is usually published biannually but now it has not come out for the last three years. It is through this medium that the vacant positions are advertised and eligible applicants invited to apply. 

As we know promotion is one factor that motivates hard working officers to continue their good work because definitely it comes with responsibilities at the same time privileges and increase in pay.

It is the prerogative of the police commissioner in consultation with the police promotion board as to when they will issue the call out for promotion. 

However, three years is too long to wait to get to the next rank. 

I write to remind the Police hierarchy not to be complacent.


Upisa Ala, Via email