Police need DDA’s help

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DISTRICT development authorities in the Northern police command have to help police so that effective policing is seen in communities, a senior officer says.
Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Northern Peter Guinness said this after several students from Brahman Secondary School in Usino-Bundi, Madang, were picked up by police yesterday following a fight that broke out over the weekend.
ACP Guinness said the fight started among the students and teachers after alleged cult practices by students.
“Police are now monitoring the situation and the school will be closed for an indefinite period as lives of teachers and other students as well as properties at the school are threatened,” he said.
ACP Guinness said in another incident, on Karkar Island last week, several houses were burnt after a fight broke out and police had arrested suspects for murder and arson.
“The general situation in Madang town is quiet but on the outskirts, we still have major law and order issues,” he said.
“That is why I am calling on the authorities, especially the DDAs to work closely with police to address those issues. These are community problems and issue which police cannot address alone.” ACP Guinness said in the Brahman Secondary case, the majority of the students were boarding students and it was crucial to contain the situation adequately as displaced students would face security and safety concerns.
He warned students not to be involved in cult practices as this would disrupt their education and even see them expelled.
and arrested.


  • Cult practices by students is epidemic countrywide. It has now norm for many schools and is cascading to community, and primary schools. Breeding evil through such practices at an early stage of life is like cursing the future generation with the devil spell. If they don’t change and when they grow up, they are prone to conceive a society of social, political and management disorder. The society will crumble with devastated effects like drunkenness”, rape, murder etc., political corruption, organization corruption and mismanagement on an ongoing basis. This is one of the root cause if not taken seriously.
    Introduce gospel in school as a subject so students can learn the moral Godly principle which is the fundamental of good life. Huge investment have been poured on other sector like SMEs and economic growth, but human moral development has trivial support or is blind eye support. Development, growth and wealth creation depends on a good society and human moral upbringing will weave that foundation.

  • All christian leaders and christian communities need tobstep up and help secondary school admistration in respective communities address this issuse with promtion of christian base activities and creating an environment for students to be willing to participate.
    The Education Department should conduct its own study about the root cause of such activites happening in secondary schools and find alternative solutions to help eliminate such activities.

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