Police told to perform

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POLICE Minister Bryan Kramer says police should investigate people who have been stealing millions of Kina from the country instead of going after a boy stealing a tinned fish from a grocery shop.
Kramer told the people in Porgera, Enga last Friday that police should perform what the people and the country expected of them.
He said police officers should not be providing escort to MPs and ministers.
“You are to go after people who are stealing and destroying the future of the country and its people,” he said.
“All police vehicles have to remove tints so that people will know who is inside and what he or she is doing.
“It’s about time you should not go after a little boy stealing a tin of fish at a shop and use all your resources and energy to make sure that boy is sent to jail.
“I will make sure more police officers will lose their jobs if they do not perform their work.”
Kramer said law and order issues were happening everywhere and more effort should be given to clean and fix these problems.
“My appeal to you the police men and women is to perform your duty and do what you can do for your country and the people.”

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