Policy, planning will save lives, says university expert


A MEDICAL symposium to be held in September will discuss ways to improve equipment for anesthesia and surgery, a doctor says.
Executive dean of the University of PNG School of Medicine and Health Science Professor Nakapi Tefuarani said the country was behind in terms of medical equipment for anesthesia and surgery.
Tefuarani, also the president of the Medical Society PNG, said: “We need to catch up with the world to be able to take care of the population of this country.”
He said the medical symposium in September would discuss the issue.
The symposium will be administered by the Port Moresby General Hospital. The UPNG School of Medicine and Health Sciences will be helping out.
He said some people died while waiting for surgery.
“Surgery is always delayed. So by talking about it and setting policies and plans, and of course budget, it will speed up the process, and (we can) have up-to-date equipment.”
Tefuarani said planning and policies must focus on where the majority of the population lived in the rural areas.