Poultry association condemns attack


THE PNG Poultry Industry Association has condemned the attack and looting on the Zenag Chicken Farm in Bulolo and Tablebirds in Lae last Friday.
Association president Chris Prestwood said the two farms were important to the poultry industry.
He said both companies supplied small-medium poultry farmers day-old chicks and supported the national food security policy.
“Attacking these companies is attacking the dinner plates of every family in PNG,” Prestwood said.
“Both companies have a strong sense of community and corporate responsibility.”
The two companies also support charities, churches, the Angau Hospital, Femili PNG, PNG women in agriculture and schools.
“Community projects have enjoyed this strong support to help the underprivileged over many years,” he said.
Prestwood said earlier that the reduced airline capacity due to the Covid-19 restrictions on travel had resulted in a shortage of breeding stock imported from New Zealand.
Police are investigating whether nearby villagers in Bulolo were involved in the attack on staff and looting.
“The (association) encourages all levels of law enforcement, local, provincial and national leaders to work hard to bring the thieves and attackers to justice and show that PNG will not stand for this selfish irresponsible behavior,” he said.
“A stand must be made.
“Efforts by every citizen of this country are needed to support local production and ensure businesses in PNG are never threatened.”