Powi invites rivals to share ideas

Highlands, Normal

The National, Wednesday July 1st, 2012

SOUTHERN Highlands governor-elect William Powi is inviting rival regional candidates to contribute ideas on how they can develop the province.
Powi said on Monday night from Alotau, Milne Bay, his door would be open to the other regional candidates to share their ideas with him.
He said together they would develop a service delivery mechanism plan to develop provincial development plans and put it together with the districts’ plans and execute them.
He said he would be working closely with all five open members and the bottom line was that people must benefit from government’s goods and services by improving their quality of life.
Powi said the seat had been left vacant by Governor Anderson Agiru.
He said the people had clearly shown overwhelming support for him.
Powi said the people had supported him because he had been endorsed by Prime Minister Peter O’Neill’s People’s National Congress party.
He said he had received clear support in all the five districts by leading from the primary votes count to the eliminations.
He thanked the people of Mt Bosavi, Erave bordering Gulf, Kuari, South Wiru, East Pangia, Imbonggu, Upper Mendi, Pisu 1 and 2, Karens bordering Kandep, Upper, Lower and Central Lai,  Kware, Nipa-Kutubu and other people who voted for him.
Powi said he would operate from Mendi and would not leave the province to operate from outside like others  did.