Prepare in advance of disasters

Letters, Normal

The National, Friday September 4th, 2015

 WITH recent frost affecting parts ofHighlands region and drought due to the prolonged dry season, our government needs to be alert and seriously considering putting in place mitigation plans instead of band aid approaches by pumping millions at the last minute. We are known to misuse and abuse large funds given for disaster aid and relief purposes so to avoid such, our government needs to set up very large storage warehouses in each province. These mega store houses should have controlled conditions that can store long lasting food like grains, rice, wheat, drinking water etc according to the estimated population of that province or area. We can also store drought resistant seeds that can be planted and cultivated with limited water. I’m sure there is technology available now in the world that can help us achieve that. After all, prevention is better than cure. Let’s think ahead and be prepared always for the worst as nature is unpredictable.


Roy Cajetan