Probe into damage in parliament complete


INVESTIGATIONS into the damaging of the parliament properties by some members of the police force and Correctional Services in the joint security operation for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation meetings in Port Moresby are complete.
But a complaint should be made before any arrest is made, police said.
Criminal Investigation Division director Mark Yagen told The National that police officers who were allegedly involved had been identified but arrest could not be made because authorities had given an order to hold on.
“Statements have been collected, close-circuit television camera (CCTV) images and videos, recorded voices on the radio used by some officers were detected (special recording device inserted) which identified many officers swearing and talking to senior officers,” Yangen said.
“We know who those people are and who led the group and started the commotion.”
Yangen said the Speaker Job Pomat was the custodian of Parliament and should provide a complaint statement “so that we can make arrests. Currently there is no complaint”.
“We cannot make arrest without a complainant. When the complaint is done we can go ahead and make arrests,” he said.
Yangen said another reason for the pending action was that Parliament was sitting.
Members of the joint security force stormed Parliament to demand their Apec allowances. Millions worth of properties in parliament were damaged.

One thought on “Probe into damage in parliament complete

  • False News – Why were they investigating if nobody had made a complaint

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