Project helps districts launch school learning improvement plan


THE Australian government funded Together for Education project has paved the way for Rigo to launch its new school learning improvement plan (SLIP) and a provincial elementary school service charter.
This is the second launch in Central province following a similar event in Kairuku in September this year.
Australian High Commission’s Dr Michael Quinn said SLIP outlines the vision for individual schools and may support it in generating additional resources to improve children’s education.
“Your school are role models and I hope you share your successes and experiences with other schools in the district and province to help them develop their SLIP’s,” he said. SLIP are a key components of the Education Department’s planning framework and it goes hand in hand with the service charter to support priorities identified by schools, including continuous teacher development, resources generation opportunities, school infrastructure needs and commitments to gender and disability inclusive teaching strategies.
Babagarubu Elementary School head teacher Renagi Kilagi said he has seen improvement in his school and more engagement from the surrounding communities under the SLIP.
“The programme has brought changes and is impacting the children and the communities,” he said.
“Their reading skills continue to improve as they continue to access more reading books through reading clubs initiated under the SLIP’s.”
The Together for Education project is led by World Vision and facilitated by Child Fund and (CIMC) Consultative Implementation & Monitoring Council in Central.
They have reached 50 schools so far in Rigo.