Proposed inclusions in mining review

Business, Normal

The National, Friday 14th of February, 2014

THE review of the Mining Act 1992 will involve several proposed inclusions under tenement administration, Mining Minister Byron Chan told parliament on Wednesday.
In his presentation of ministerial statement on progress made by the Mining Ministry, Chan said the mining advisory council functions would be adequately defined as a proposed inclusion.
“Online application and approval processing, number of exploration licences that anyone can hold at any one time will be limited to 10 licences, with the minister having the discretion to allow additional licences subject to strict guideline,” Chan said.
Chan said the increased tenure of exploration licences from a term of two years up to five years would be reviewed every three years.
Others proposed inclusions: Reduction in the maximum size of the area by half of the current land area from 750 sub-blocks or 2,500sqkm  to 325 sub-blocks or 325sqkm; merging of the special mining lease (SML) and a mining lease (ML) to form a single mining lease; increase in the term of the mining lease from 20 years to 40; and renewable for periods up from the current 10 years to 10 years.