Protected area proposed


THE Northern government is discussing with the landowners of the Kokoda Track the setting up of a conservation and protected area nature reserve.
Northern Governor Gary Juffa talked to them about the successful Managalas conservation area in Northern.
The Kokoda Track area is owned by traditional resource custodians and a place of natural beauty which has rare biodiversity, rich cultural and military heritage.
It can also be a catchment area for water and energy supply.
The National Executive Council declared the area an Interim Protection Zone in 2008.
Conservation and Environment Protection Authority (Cepa) sustainable environment programme officers walked along the Kokoda Track twice last year and again in April.
They met with the Northern administration, Koiari and Kokoda local level government and village representatives. Local leaders and villagers were briefed on what the NEC’s decision entailed, and provided them with maps of the proposed protected area boundary.
It gave landowners an opportunity to seek clarification on the impacts of protected area on land ownership and the benefits of conservation activities.
Cepa conducts consultations with resource owners, local leaders, and district and provincial leaders, to seek landowner consent, and legalise protected zones.
Cepa thanked all the participants for attending the consultations, particularly the local leaders.
It acknowledged the support from the PNG and Australian governments for the consultations.
Australia’s Kokoda Initiative Programme supports conservation and management of the track and ensures communities have access to enhanced health, education and livelihood services.