Protecting people vital: Wong


THE protection of Papua New Guineans against Covid-19 is of paramount importance as the country considers relaxing overseas travel restrictions, Health Minister Jelta Wong says.
Last week Prime Minister James Marape said overseas travel restrictions were expected to be relaxed from next month and the borders opened up to boost tourism and the economy in general. Wong told The National yesterday that restrictions on international flights were still there.
Wong said the Government had allowed people in according to its capacity to ensure those who entered the country complied with Covid-19 measures, including quarantine.
“They (people intending to come to PNG) still need permission to get in,” he said. “People will be let in depending on what space we have in hotels and quarantine facilities.
“We won’t just open the flood gates.” Wong said the relaxing of travel restrictions would not be open for everybody.
“You will still have to follow the process (in place). It’s not that easy,” he said. “We have to protect our people that don’t fly around.”
Wong urged Papua New Guineans to take the Niupela Pasin seriously and adhere to the Covid-19 prevention measures.
Meanwhile, National Capital District Governor Powes Parkop urged people to continue to practise Covid-19 health measures in the event that the Government lifts certain restrictions. Parkop said this yesterday when he received 400,000 facemasks – valued at K800,000 from Eliseo Trading Limited.
Parkop said residents should make the new normal for Covid-19 protocols become part of their lifestyle should another pandemic or worse one hit the city and entire country again, they would at least be ready to respond.