Provide study materials earlier

Letters, Normal

The National, Thursday 6th September, 2012

THE report “FODE pro­mises to deliver materials on time” (Aug 21) has prompted me to write.
A thorough investigation should be made by Education Minister Paru Aihi into the operations of the flexible open distance education (FODE).
This is because I see it as another blunder in the Education Department’s failure to deliver materials to students in time.
This has caused frustration among the students and their parents in NCD.
The principal has said the study materials will be made available to the students in time for study and the final examinations in October.
This is ridiculous.
How does he expect these students to prepare in such a short period?
They paid their enrolment fees in Februar­y.
Why has it taken FODE eight months to get these study materials out to the students?
These students are now greatly disadvantaged be­cause they will not have enough time to go through their materials.
The principal’s reason for the delay was because FODE was waiting for government subsidy.
This is unacceptable and shows the incompetence of people running this school.
All preparations should have been done last year.
Why do they have to wait for 2012 funding to fund their operations?
This problem needs brains to rectify and the ball is now in Aihi’s court.

Port Moresby