Public holiday deferred

Taies Sansan

THE Personnel Management Department has informed all public servants nationwide that the Queen’s Birthday will be observed next Monday. This follows Gazettal Notice No. G41 issued by the then Acting Governor-General Job Pomat on Jan 27 by virtue of powers conferred upon the Governor General on the Public Holidays Act and in accordance with the advice of the National Executive Council. Gazettal Notice G41 revoked today as a public holiday and declared June 14 to commemorate the Queen’s Birthday. Department secretary Taies Sansan issued the circular instruction announcing the changes as per the gazette. “I issued the circular instruction No. 7/2021 on March 12 to all departmental heads, provincial administrators, heads of public authorities and to all public servants, but there remains confusion, hence, the need to issue this media statement to clarify any misunderstanding,” she said.