Radical change is needed


THE courts and other institutions specifically mandated to police the leadership code have been dispensing justice as expected.
And the successful completion of leadership matters, resulting in officials being penalised, is sufficient proof that such institutions of democracy and justice are active.
However, the number of elected officials being dragged before the courts and the success of these trials against them must also raise serious questions about leadership in the country.
Those in leadership and especially elected officials have, first and foremost, a duty to themselves to always be able to stand up to public scrutiny.
Failing that they risk dragging themselves, their families, electorates and even the country into disrepute.
It is quite a sad fact that many MPs in the history of PNG’s independence have been dismissed from office or convicted for offences especially dealing with the use of public money.
In a few months from now the country will be into the 2022 national elections.
As individuals aspiring to be leaders prepare for what for some a watershed moment in their lives, it is also a good time for some personal soul-searching again.
It is not only for the voters to decide who they want to represent them and what they want in a leader but the prospective leaders should also seriously consider whether they have the mental and moral fortitude to function as expected of parliamentarians.
While some are dismissive or sceptical of Transparency International’s corruption perception index with ranks this country way up there among countries suffering the most under this vice, it must

nevertheless be a wake-up call for us.
It should be noted though politicians are not the only ones responsible for whatever amounts to corruption in the country; they may in fact account for only a small part of the picture.
But as the most visible of the country’s leaders who are constantly in the public eye, they get to be pointed out others are equally to blame.
They are therefore, expected to lead the in the fight for transparency in leadership.
But history has shown that they are also the most susceptible to the temptation of misapplying public money.
Given that sad fact, the country needs a revolution for a change.
And only a handful of elected officials might have such a yearning in their minds to see such drastic change happen in the near future for a change for the better.
Following a failed vote of no confidence a couple of years ago an MP declared that there were serious problems in this country that required at best a revolution to change the status quo.
It is time to take our land back; it is time to take our resources back from the corrupt politicians, public servants and foreign exploitation.
It is time to take our country back.
We must take our country back.
We must cause a revolution for good.
It takes extraordinary people during extraordinary times to do extraordinary things, without which life would remain ordinary, the MP declared then.
When James Marape took over as PM in May 2019, he uttered similar words in his now famous “Take back PNG” speech.
The Papua New Guinean voter deserves and indeed should demand political leadership that only provides for his or her material needs but also shines a light of uprightness for others to see and emulate.
The electorate will soon enough grow weary of the old style of leadership.
A leadership revolution is needed, not just in politics but in every other sector in the community; a revolution that should start with every individual looking within himself or herself first.