Ramu agro donates chess boards to Lae international schools


RAMU Agri Industries Limited on Wednesday donated 10 chess boards to Lae International School to establish a challenge in their spare time.
The company also donated another 10 chess boards to Ramu International Primary School.
According to Ramu Agri officials, the initiative was aimed at helping students develop their chess skills during their spare time.
Marketing assistant Flora Anders said the firm was trialing the sport with the two schools at the moment.
“When you guys are happy and confident with your skills, we will arrange with Ramu International for a chess challenge,” Anders said.
“Ramu International can come down and challenge you guys here or we can take you up to Ramu to have the competition up there.
“Any of you students who know the rules of the game are advised to teach your friends.”
She said the next move was to get a competition going with the aim of rolling it out for every schools in Lae to take part before seeing the sport expand nationwide.