Read message, don’t shoot messenger

Letters, Normal

The National, Tuesday February 2nd, 2016

 I REFER to article “Give O’Neill credit for what he has achieved” by Karia Tara, Ialibu Pangia (The National, 1 Feb). 

If my good brother has been a vivid follower of my writings, he would have observed and agreed that I have always supported our PM Peter O’Neill on what he is doing for the country. 

I have never disputed his leadership and the many good things that he is doing for the country and of course our home front in Ialibu-Pangia and Kagua-Erave.

I travel many times to my village and can see and feel and touch the many good things that the PM is doing for our electorate. This is why I always support and commend our PM in general.

Karia Tara attempts to do the short-cut and pick me on a narrow minded premise on one of views that I stated was about following and obeying the rules and practices of laws and governance. 

There is no denial our PM Peter O’Neill is facing various court challenges to which I have made no reference or inferences to guilt outcomes. 

I do agree that the laws and systems are the obstacles to development realizations therefore it would be good to test the waters by working against these systems and processes to achieve development outcomes that we all need in this country.  

I salute and admire Peter O’Neill for putting the systems and processes and parliamentary practices to the test because he is doing so for the good cause that we all agree. 

So my brother Karia Tara, you would have to read and look at my observations with a broader outlook and not to be naive and run to the narrow conclusion on naming for your personal gain. 

To me, the clan, tribe, district and region is of no significance and there is no boundary to my consciences and principles of speaking without fear or favor. 

We have better roads and hospitals and schools in Ialiabu-Pangia or Kagua-Erave or SHP for that matter but take heed we are not an island of our own, meaning every part of the country must enjoy same things equally and fairly because we will be nothing with PNG. 

I will pen off here with the saying, “Read the message and do not shoot the messenger”.

Yapi Akore

Kagua-Erave, SHP