Rearrested over use of firearm

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A FORMER policeman, who was terminated recently for allegedly discharging a firearm unlawfully, has been charged again while on remand.
National Capital District/Central commander Assistant Commissioner of Police Anthony Wagambie Jnr said former First Constable Komeng Gubag was transported to Boroko Police Station from Bomana prison where he was arrested by the internal investigations unit for allegedly threatening and unlawfully discharging a firearm.
“He has been transported back to Bomana prison after the arrest as he is still on remand,” Wagambie said.
Wagambie said Gubag was arrested a second time through video evidence showing him discharging firearm as a threat to a young woman.
“Investigations have identified and confirmed from the victim’s statement that Gubag was the person threatening the young lady in the video that went viral on social media,” he said.
He said the woman reported the case after an appeal was posted on the command’s Facebook page.
“She felt comfortable and has been very cooperative with the police investigators because we assured her that her security is guaranteed,” Wagambie said.
He said Gubag was terminated in January and was on remand at Bomana.
“His termination is for another matter, which allegedly involves unlawful discharge of firearm, but the matter is now in court,” Wagambie said.
He said investigations were continuing and anyone who interfered with the woman or her family with any form of threat or intimidation would be dealt with by the police.
“She is being attended to by specially assigned investigators and her security is guaranteed,” Wagambie said.