Recruit competent officers


IT seems complains made to government offices are falling on deaf ears because officers are confused or do not know what to do.
Take the education office in East Sepik for example.
Teachers bring pay issues but officers delay in assisting them.
That issue will take a year or so to be resolved.
When contacting the headquarters directly, they refer them back to the province.
Thus one can work out that, the province failed their part.
The question now is, how did they recruit such officers who does not know what to do?
Teachers travel long distances to sort out their queries on credit expenses.
When issues are not solved, they face another burden.
Recruit qualified and competent officers.
Stop nepotism.

Concerned Papua New Guinean

One thought on “Recruit competent officers

  • It is very true.. It applies to other government departments as well.
    Need to recruit motivated and suitably qualified and talented personal to the positions.

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