Reigning champions beat Mosquitoes to retain JT Super 9s U20 title


REIGNING JT Super Nines Cup Under-20 champions Seaside Magelo beat Vabukori Mosquitos 19-12 to claim their second-straight title at Moresby South Stadium on Sunday.
They retained the Cup and received K5,000.
Magelo were pushed by newcomers Mosquitos in the dying stages, but the Koki outfit managed to hold on for the win.
Their playmakers dictated play and continued to ask questions of the Vabukori defence.
Magelo also had an abunadance of speed in Morea Voro, Ray Gairo, Walker Varage, Gairo Voro, Albert Olema and Greg Alfred.
Vabukori speedsters were Jack Peter, Arnold Kila, Manu Mera, Soi Arova, Joseph Tova and Jeremiah Kavara.
Magelo head coach Karo Iamo and team manager Mea Iamo said they were confident that the team would retain the Cup.
The brothers and sponsors said they were proud to support Koki youths through sports.
“Our combinations were a class above the rest,” Karo said.
“We played nines rugby league, using our speed and skills to unsettle the Mosquitoes. We worked hard for it and the players deserve it.”
In the Plate final, 6-Mile Tigers beat Tatana Island Vikings 14-10 while Southern Sons claimed the Bowl with a 4-0 victory against 2-Mile Pearls.