Relatives demand K1mil compo


RELATIVES of a 21-year-old man killed on July 14 at Gagidu Station in Finschhafen, Morobe, are demanding K1 million in compensation from the Highlands community in the district.
The relatives from Kolem, Simbang and Godowa villages of Yabim tribe demanded that an upfront payment of K100,000 be paid in advance.
This comes after suspect Samuel Doma, 23, from Mendi, Southern Highlands, allegedly killed Danny Gomong of Kolem village, Finschhafen, during an argument over missing soft drinks.
According to police reports, the suspect accused Gomong of stealing his soft drinks and during the ensuing argument hit him over the head with a piece of timber.
Morobe police commander Supt Alex N’Drasal said Gomong was rushed to Gagidu Clinic but his injury was severe, he was transferred to Braun Hospital before finally being flown to Angau Hospital in Lae but later died.
Supt N’Drasal said the Highlands community living at Gagidu Station were now living in fear of retaliation from the locals.
He said four public servants (of Highlands origin) stationed at Gagidu Station had taken the lead in contributing cash and kind to meet the demand while police investigations were still continuing.
In another police report, a 16-year-old female grade seven student from Gagidu Primary School was allegedly raped on July 28 at Gagidu Station by a 35-year-old man who was allegedly drunk.
Police said the accused induced the girl by offering to give her K500 and a touch-screen mobile phone in return for sex.
The victim refused but the accused then threatened to shoot her and raped her.


  • This is crazy. Morobeans have never paid such compo and their demand is seen as a reason for revenge on the Highlanders living in Gagidu.
    Cut this crab.

  • What happened to the case of the innocent Wanigela lad who was murdered by the Taris’ at Koki, last month?
    Has this case gone cold?

  • Pay up coz pasin blo upla lo go settle in 1 area na later soim strong blo upla ya just pay up if a morobean is up in higlands and commits such offence upla dont look for reasons u just kill so pay up or packup.

  • Compensation is a VIRUS worse than the Covif-19 virus. PNG needs to stamp it out. Revenge, payback and compensation are 3 of the worst VIRUS killing PNG. The head Virus is called Corruption and PNG has it in spades

  • Compensation is a VIRUS worse than the Covif-19 virus. PNG needs to stamp it out. Revenge, payback and compensation are 3 of the worst VIRUS killing PNG. The head Virus is called Corruption and PNG has it in spades

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