Religious education should be compulsory


IF the government wants to make this country a Christian nation, then it should make religious education a compulsory subject from elementary to university level so we see better results after some years.
We should study the word of God just like mathematics, physics, or any other subject in school.
The word of God is the foundation of all the other subjects being taught in school.
We cannot change this country to a Christian country on our own but it is God’s will and only by the power of His word and spirit.
Knowing that the word of God existed before the world begun, John 1:1-5 says that the word of God is sharper than any two edged sword and it cuts through bones and marrow.
There are so many Christian churches in PNG, and the word of God is being preached in churches and streets but evil acts are on the rise as well in terms of rape, sorcery, violence, murder, corruption, and misuse of funds, thievery and pick pocketing.
This shows that our country is not matured enough to be declared a Christian country.
We should not sin against the truth God has blessed us abundantly with.
All the blessings we enjoy in this country are not because of who we are or what we have done but it is because of God’s goodness and mercy.

Allan Quenza
Lae city

One thought on “Religious education should be compulsory

  • Thanks brother Allan. Totally agree with you.

    Just one correction: the scripture quoted should be: Hebrews Chapter 4 verse 12.

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