Remember, new is not always better


TEN years is certainly a long time to wait for a restructure, so congratulations to National Cultural Commission Director Casper Damien for getting the submission to the Department of Personnel Management (The National, Friday May 19 – Pg 18).
But wait a minute, Damien says that “all of the [NCC] staff are very old … they need to go.” Isn’t that what retirement is for?
You don’t need to do a restructure to retire people or to hire new people to take over those positions.
And when the new positions are advertised, people who have not reached retirement age are welcome to apply for the positions, aren’t they?
Shouldn’t people be hired because of their qualifications and performance, rather than their age?
Are older people useless because they are older? Are young people better because they are younger?
If “all of the staff are very old”, I guess that means that Damien is on the way out too.
New is not always better.
There is much to be learned from the wisdom that comes with experience.
Try to listen.

Zebra Yava Nditing
Port Moresby