Residents of NPF compound need better sewerage system

Letters, Normal

The National, Tuesday January 5th, 2016

 I WRITE this as a resident to draw the attention of NCD Governor Powes Parkop and Moresby North East MP Labi Amaiu.

We have a problem related to toilet waste and waste water disposal at 9 Mile, particularly the NPF Compound.  Currently, we do not have a proper sewage system. The block holders have built septic toilets and pump out waste at a price when it comes to capacity.This waste water from the toilets is directed through some form of feeder ways onto the main drain and that causes a bad odour along the drains. 

With the blockage in the drains and in the absence of free flowing water this is a health hazard to residents, especially children. 

We have a growing number of unit holders building up residential homes, complex and units at this NPF compound  and toilet waste disposal becomes a concern.

I therefore request Parkop and Amaiu to address this critical issue. 


Concerned Resident

NPF Compund