Respect one another, says PM

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HELA locals must respect one another and respect the authority, Prime Minister James Marape told his people on Christmas Day.
Marape reminded people in his district that he was the image of Hela at the national level and represented them.
“When I want to talk about law and order issues in the country, they tell me to come back and fix law and order issues in Hela.
“Respect one another and work together.
“What you do, the shame I bare, this Christmas, the message is respect one another, respect authority, work with the provincial government.
“Provincial governor and administrator, sit in your office in the province and build our province, stop flying in and out of the province,” he said.
Marape told his people that provincial government was the cornerstone of the country and urged them to work with their provincial government.
“The provincial government is doing its best, today, we see 2,000 youths graduating, and I commend the governor for this,” he said.
He is doing something for the people through the education sector.
“Youths who were dropped out from the formal system, your provincial government has brought the second-chance pathways for you to Hela, work with him.
“Stop fighting, stop using drugs and alcohol and causing problems and use the opportunity created by the provincial government and local MPs to upgrade your certificates or complete your Grade 12, get a trade certificates, let’s leave all this behind and walk into the New Year with respect for one another and for authority,” he said.
“If you don’t like it, then you can change the leadership in 2027, but for now as we go into the New Year, please, I leave one word with you: respect.”