Resurrection renews hope


AS that all-important date on the Christian calendar approaches, Christians would again be reminded to renew their hope in a resurrected Messiah of the world.
To this end, the hypothetical question could be asked: What if there was no resurrection?
Indeed, what would Christianity be without the resurrection — that single most stupendous moment in human history that many have tried without success to disprove?
What if some historical human remains were chanced upon on the outskirts of Jerusalem or somewhere farther afield — to confirm the New Testament “conspiracy theory” — and proven with the use of modern testing, to be that of “the one who claimed to be Messiah”?
Christianity, certainly would never be the same again.
According to many scholars and even among simple believers themselves the resurrection is the central truth of the Christian faith and it is that which sets this faith apart from all other world religions — even the other two Abrahamic faiths of Judaism and Islam.
The importance of the resurrection of Jesus Christ cannot be overemphasised.
Plainly, what is Christianity without the resurrection?
Without the resurrection, Christianity has no meaning for humanity — its founder would have been a liar and a failure, and its followers would have no hope.
Thus, the importance of the resurrection to Christian faith cannot be overestimated.
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is unique to the Christian faith – no other religious figure has ever predicted his own resurrection, and then accomplished it.
All of the other world religions are based on a founder who lived in the past and whose religion is his only legacy.
Whether by default or by the hand of the divine himself, this country was “discovered” by foreigners bearing the Christian message of salvation and civilisation.
And upon the basis of the teachings of Christianity, the country has transitioned from Stone-Age to the 21st Century.
Our legislature, the public service, the judiciary and the education system all have aspects of the Christian faith built into them.
By the declaration, “So help me God” are important officials of government sworn into office; the Lord’s prayer is recited even at the start of Parliament sessions; the national anthem contains a line exhorting patriots to “Now give thanks to the Good Lord above…”
These are open and outward expressions of a national faith in God.
Papua New Guinea is predominantly Christian but some may be amazed by the extent of evil currently pervading a supposedly Christian country.
And Papua New Guineans need no outsider to point that out. They are fully aware of the desperate need to end that sense of depravation and moral decline.
The urgency of the situation is felt everywhere — in family homes, in public service offices, in the private businesses, in Parliament.
Corruption and violence, the two most common consequences of such moral decline are seen and spoken of almost on a daily basis.
Yes, there is much evil in our midst but there is greater hope in the lives of ordinary people everywhere.
That hope cannot be snuffed out just like the tiniest flicker of light cannot be overcome even by the blackest darkness.
That hope is reinforced by the amazing story of the resurrected Messiah which will be commemorated in a few weeks.