Review all teaching syllabus at TVETD

Letters, Normal

The National, Tuesday 28th March 2013

 THE syllabus currently in use 

in our technical and vocational education training division (TVETD) institutions is out of date and needs to be reviewed in line with the current industry trend and practices.

TVETD curriculum officers have done nothing about reviewing the syllabus.

Sometimes they go around visiting colleges and making pre­sentations which are not relevan­t to the training programmes that are offered in our colleges.

The education department must look into this and re­place these officers.

We   need new officers who are on the ball and introduce a new syll­abus.

We need to do something so that TVETD institutions are up-to-date with current industrial trend.

For instance, management accounting is taught to ma­nagement course students in stage three of year two.

This needs to be reviewed so that management students study management subjects only and not management accounting subject which is taught in stage 

one year two.

This has caused a conflict to many management students as their concentration is already focused on management subjects and many do not pay full attention on the ma­nagement accounting subject.

This has led to students having problems with this subject.

For the sake of developing our human resource, the education department must step in and do something.


