Revoke travel measure now


I WRITE in response to Pandemic Response Controller David Manning’s announcement regarding domestic travel.
This amendment seeks to allow persons who are vaccinated to travel without restrictions.
I understand that the office of the controller and the Government have the right to regulate or restrict a freedom or right if it’s deemed that public interest or welfare have been breached.
However, this amendment is grossly unfair and subjugate.
It demeans public interest and welfare.
It should be revoked immediately as there is noncompliance to constitutional requirements as well.
The effect of the amendment, as it stands, seeks to enable authorities to do arbitrary search on all domestic travellers.
Those who wish to travel would have to declare whether they’re vaccinated or not.
This will restrict the right to freedom from arbitrary search and entry conferred by Section 44 of the Constitution and the right to privacy conferred by Section 49 of the Constitution.The right to freedom from arbitrary search and entry and the right to privacy are qualified rights stipulated in the Constitution.
All acts of parliament, including the Pandemic Act 2020, should be in compliance to constitutional provisions, however, the recent amendment regarding domestic travel measures is unacceptable.
The controller should immediately revoke it.
The original measure allows for every traveller to be checked at the port of call and this is in line with standard pandemic control operations everywhere around the world.
This measure is very simple and is construed to the Pandemic Act 2020 and other enabling laws which the office of the controller and the Government should support.
So far, the private sector and the travelling public have been supportive and observing this measure, which ensured that the pandemic was managed well and the spread was contained.
All measures and amendments to the Pandemic Act should be simplified as long as they help protect and promote public interest and welfare.

Mickey Haro