RH Hypermarket rewards customers

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A SENSE of rewarding faithful customers and giving back to the community has seen RH Hypermarket handing out prizes on Saturday.
“As a company, RH Hypermarket has been very good at putting back, so we like to give back to the public,” said the supermarket’s assistant general manager, Phil Ager, at the presentation at Vision City Mega Mall.
“We give them the opportunity to win three levels of food vouchers – total of K21,000 – refrigerators, lounge suites, hampers and bicycles – basically things that are needed and wanted by our customers. It is an idea for us to say to them, ‘Thank you for shopping with us for the whole year’. ”
Ager said the competition had 63 prizes to give 63 RH Hypermarket customers the chance to win something.
“We even got three prizes for one year’s supply of rice, so we know that it is going to feed a family,” Ager said. “It’s all about putting it back into the community.”
Ager said the competition was running for the third year.
“The message is to thank the people for all the support and loyalty they give us,” he said. “We know we supply a lot of food to a lot of different people with different levels of income.
“The competition is an opportunity to thank our customers.”