Sale of police uniforms to foreigners probed


POLICE in Port Moresby are investigating a racket involving officers selling police uniforms and identification cards to foreigners.
Police Internal Affairs director Chief Superintendent Robert Ali said they suspected that the clandestine operation had been ongoing for six years.
Ali said they had identified two officers who had been supplying foreigners of Asian origin with police uniforms, ID cards and giving ranks to them in exchange for money.
“They have being facilitating it within the constabulary and outside,” he said.
He said one of the officers identified would be charged with abuse of office. “They have been operating without the authority of Police Commissioner Gari Baki. Many (foreigners) are running around in police uniform in Port Moresby.,” he said.
“They have been operating unlawfully.”
The police internal investigation team will bring in everyone involved for questioning.
“I have no idea where the uniforms have been ordered from. We will find out which tailoring companies have been involved,” he said.
He said it was a risk to security to have these non-locals and locals too running around in police uniforms when they were not members of the constabulary.