Santos teaches locals new, improved farming methods


IMPROVED food security, better lifestyles and good income-earning opportunities for local farmers are outcomes that a resource project developer wants to achieve for its affected people.
Not only was Santos looking at extracting from the locals’ environment, it had partnered with Fresh Produce Development Agency (FPDA) and PNG Mining and Petroleum Hospitality Services (PNGMPHS) to provide for the people through sustainable farming programmes and activities.
The company said in a statement that through this partnership, Santos’ sustainable development and community affairs officers would work with families, women and youth.
Teaching them skills and knowledge on sustainable agricultural practices that aimed to protect the soil and produce organic fresh vegetables while increasing and maintaining a profitable farm income to improve their lives.
“One such community is Daga 2 in Pimaga, Southern Higlands, more than 60 youths have come together to form the Daga youth group, which also comprises of their parents.
“FPDA worked with and trained the young farmers and their families to increase their capacity to produce high quality organic vegetables.
“The training included soil preparation, composting, natural pesticides and how to grow, transplant and maintain healthy crops,” the Santos media release said. “After the training, the farmers started working on their farm transplanting some of their crops with the aim to harvest early next year.”
Senior sustainable development manager for Santos, Elsie Mongoru, applauded the community for participating in the project.