Sawang’s appointment commended


WE applaud the Government on the appointment of Rai Coast MP Kessy Sawang as Minister for Labour and Employment recently.
This is the first time in three decades for an woman leader to hold a key economic ministry – a win for women in PNG and a milestone appointment for women in politics.
Sawang’s qualifications and professional experiences speak for her as a competent individual who previously held the position of deputy commissioner customs.
Her invaluable contributions to the review of our tax regime under the Sir Nagora Bogan led Tax Review Committee in 2015 also stands testimony to her knowledge and understanding of our economic challenges.
We look forward to work with the new Minister to progress the modernisation of the relevant labour legislations including ensuring that the various functions of the Labour and Employment Department are revamped to perform their mandated responsibilities competently in PNG.

Clemence Kanau
General Secretary – PNGTUC