School closure affecting students


CLASSES at Kaugere Primary and Elementary School has not started since the beginning of term four after the toilets were condemned by the NCD health authority.
Ablution blocks (for male and females) were damaged by some irresponsible students.
Kaugere Primary School is a very old school in Moresby-South and majority of the students are from the nearby suburbs while few from other suburbs in NCD.
Students’ behaviour which led to the school’s closure might be associated with the teachers’ non-attendance and above all the administration incompetent in handling the students’ affairs thoroughly.
There has been no Parents and Guidance (P&C) meeting to address the problems the school was going through.
Igiri Mero pointed out in June in a letter in The National concerning teachers not attending classes.
It might be one of the many factors that may have led to this scenario.
Parents are concerned since our children’s education have being jeopardised when the school was closed indefinitely.
The Education authority needs to find solution to rectify these problems once and for all.

Concerned Parent, Paiks Mero