Schools boards must take a stand


The National, Friday February 20th, 2015

 JUST three weeks into the new school year and the hoodlums at De La Salle and Tokarara high schools in the nation’s capital are at it again – fighting at the bus stop in front of the Waigani Police Station.

These thugs in uniforms are cut out of the same cloth as the cops who go around beating up innocent people.

They are among the fortunate ones to receive high school education but their acts of violence towards fellow students show they do not deserve this privilege.

The boards and management of these two schools must come down hard on the students who were involved in the violence this week.

Their ringleaders should be expelled and the other culprits suspended from classes to send out a clear message that school fights will not be condoned from now on. If these thugs are allowed to get away with it, they will continue to cause trouble and drag innocent students into their circle of violence. School rivalries are common throughout the world. They extend from the sporting fields to debate halls and classrooms. It is violence between and within schools such as we have seen repeatedly displayed in Port Moresby and Lae that is of grave concern.

Since the O’Neill Government assumed office, it has allocated hundreds of millions of kina to education because it believes that is the foundation for Papua New Guinea’s future.

No parent, teacher or guardian and certainly not the Government wants to see a generation of uneducated people whose only answer to any test or challenge is violence.

Education Secretary Dr Michael Tapo, when asked last year how his department was addressing the issue, had this to say: “School fights are actually not to do with the school but it’s got to do with the child or the children. Those children got their father and mother; those children live in the community, whatever community it is. They bring with them that attitude problem so when they go to school they use that attitude or behaviour, they try to harass younger children or harass the children who don’t have the same view or opinion as them or they bully the people.” 

Tapo says all disciplinary cases should be dealt with by the school authorities and if they cannot do so then they should be replaced.

“School administrations must establish a good working relationship with different authorities in the province and communities to minimise the disciplinary problems going on in schools, especially school fights. Students who continue to be involved in school fights are jeopardising their future if they are expelled from their schools and parents and citizens, school authorities and school boards need to put their heads together to come up with ways to stop school fights.”

There are many causes of school violence but whatever the reasons, the actions of the students who are responsible for instigating the fights must not be ignored or condoned by the relevant authorities, including parents and guardians. The continued violence within and between schools clearly demonstrates that the process of addressing grievances has totally failed and that students no longer respect authority and continue to take the law into their hands. 

There is such a thing called friendly rivalry – on the sporting field, in debating contests and in the academic arena where the schools and their students can strive to be champions. Everyone’s a winner unlike the battlefield.

It is our society’s obligation and duty to help in controlling violent behaviour among school children who are our future leaders. 

That duty begins at home with parents and guardians who must manage their children’s behaviour and supervise their activities.

Teachers impart knowledge and should not bear the brunt of failures by parents and guardians to instil discipline and common sense in their children. In this day and age, most parents tend to push this responsibility to teachers and the school authorities. Many of them will always blame the schools and education authorities for their children’s moral and academic failures.

It is a competitive world out there and the children who will succeed later in life are those who pursue their goals and dreams through hard work and determination.