SDA youths conduct outreach programme in Western


A 20-member group from the Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) church recently conducted a week-long outreach programme in a remote village in North Fly, Western.
The SDA group, comprising 15 students, four church elders and a church missionary from Gii village, travelled into Tmansawenai village on the outskirts of Kiunga town to conduct an education and fellowship outreach from April 10-16.
Missionary Nindem Pakinda said: “We travelled with little items such as toiletries, clothes and food and donated to the village we visited, we also did a fellowship outreach to educate and strengthen the faith of believers.”
Nindem said the outreach was mostly done by the students to encourage their age groups to stay focused on their priorities.
“Youths should be focusing more in church activities and in their studies rather than creating more social and law and order problems in the community,” she said.
In addition, student representative Samuel Nathan who witnessed more than 60 individuals attending the programme in Tmansawenai village, said they had to trek through thick savannah for seven hours to reach their destination in order to conduct the outreach.
Nathan said the important concern was to ensure they got the message out to the other youths.
“As youths, there are many challenges like alcohol consumption, gambling and petty crimes, however these can be avoided if youths engage more in church activities and prioritise their education,” he said.