‘Serve with honesty’


EASTERN Highlands police commander Supt Michael Welly has reminded his men and women to serve with dedication, honesty and without fear and favour.
“Revisit your vows made when you passed out of the National Centre of Excellence (previous known as Bomana Police College),” he said in his official parade at the Minogere police barracks last Friday.
Supt Welly led guest of honour Goroka MP Aiye Tambua to inspect the parade.
Tambua thanked the policemen and women for serving with distinction the people of Goroka.
“After being elected as MP, I have helped Goroka police with a vehicle, built houses and provided other support,” he said.
Tambua funded from his district two police duplex houses that can accommodate four officers in the barracks.
“I will continue to build more houses and provide support wherever possible,” he said.