Siniwin urges govt to allocate funds


NAWAEB MP Gisuwat Siniwin has urged the Morobe government to allocate funds to transport infrastructure rather than to “paper projects”.
Siniwin spoke out after the Busu River washed away the basement of bridge which provided the link to Boana station where the Nawaeb district headquarters is.
He said the provincial government was going around dishing out money on new vehicles and paper projects without maintaining infrastructures which helped generate millions to the province.
He said he had texted Governor Kelly Naru about the situation but was yet to meet and discuss it with him.
“But I expect to see provincial government repair the bridge. The provincial government had neglected the maintenance of roads and bridges in the nine districts – the corridors accessed by rural farmers,” Siniwin said.
Siniwin accused the provincial government of failing to maintain roads in Nawaeb, Bulolo, Menyamya, Huon Gulf, Markham, Finschhafen and Wasu-Kabwum.
He told the National that he would meet the Minister for Works Francis Awesa and Secretary David Wereh to discuss the situation.
“I expect to see PSIP at work in restoring impact infrastructures because we cannot depend all the time on the National Government.”