Sir J: Sack minister for budget cut

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NEW Ireland Governor Sir Julius Chan is calling on Prime Minister James Marape to sack Treasurer Ian Ling-Stuckey, claiming that he cut K40 million from the province’s 2024 budget.
Sir Julius called it an “outright sabotage and a devious attempt to control my government and choke the people of New Ireland”.
“The provincial assembly was shocked to see the K40 million cut and expressed disappointment and distrust at Ling-Stuckey,” he said.
He added that assembly members petitioned him last month to refer Ling-Stuckey for not attending the assembly and not reporting the K50 million Lihir royalties under him since 2021.
“Members of the assembly expressed disgust that New Ireland holds the top post as Treasurer yet got the worst deal under Stuckey,” Sir Julius said.
“The K40 million cut in the 2024 New Ireland budget is a deliberate attempt by Ian Ling-Stuckey to sabotage the provincial government.”Sir Julius also wants to know the whereabouts of the K50 million in provincial government royalty money.
“Where has the money gone? He has not reported these to the provincial government as required under Section Eight of the DDA Act,” he added.
“There is unanimous support from the assembly to remove Ling-Stuckey from the provincial assembly because he does not represent Kavieng district in the assembly.”
Meanwhile, Sir Julius said he would increase police presence in the province to ensure safety and security for the people and businesses.
“I have directed an increase in police presence and (check) traffic into of Kavieng town, Konos, Namatanai and Lihir,” Sir Julius said in a statement yesterday.
He also directed law and order committee chairman Edwin Maingen and his committee to monitor business houses, government offices and ensure the general safety of the people.