Sir Michael supports assembly

Michael Somare

FORMER Prime Minister Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare has thrown his support behind the Motu Koita Assembly (MKA) and its chairman Dadi Toka Jr.
Sir Michael made this known during a press conference last Friday regarding the proposed rezoning of the old wharf in Downtown Port Moresby .
The rezoning is undertaken by the Kumul Consolidated Holdings without the consent of the Hanuabada people and the neighbouring Motu Koita villages.
Sir Michael said he would support Toka and others in addressing the issue.
“I’m here to support his concept and ideas about what he wants to do for the Motu Koita people,” he said.
“Papuans need to organise themselves. As a young man who has visions and wants to move you (Motu Koita) forward. You must stand behind him (Toka).
“In the election (2022) that comes, we need to see a lot of people who are ethnically Papuans in the number of seats in the National Capital.
“I’m appealing to the public to give him support because his initiative is a good one, trying to look after Motuan people.
“I will appeal to the Prime Minister because this is an initiative he (Toka) took and we want things to be done.”
Sir Michael said he was a long-time resident of Port Moresby and had grown to know and admire the Motuan people in his time in the national capital.
“I’ve been here almost 52 years now and have two kids who were brought up here, Dulciana and Sana.”