Sir Peter move affirmed

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ENGA Governor Sir Peter Ipatas has left his People’s Party and has joined Prime Minister Peter O’Neill’s ruling People’s National Congress.
This was confirmed yesterday by O’Neill and Sir Peter.
“His People’s Party is now going into the election led by the Jiwaka governor (Dr William Tongamp),” O’Neill told The National. “They’ve got strategic alliance with our party, PNC, and that is done on the understanding that we want to form the Government together.
“So the PNC party has an arrangement with Sir Peter and other senior members to run under PNC because we need to get the necessary support that is needed for the invitation to form the Government.
“It is important that we have a strong leadership that is going to run the country.
“We’re united in that display of commitment to the nation. That is why we are running together.
“Any member of the People’s Party that comes into Government will of course join with our team and we look forward to working closely with them.”
Sir Peter confirmed that he had handed over leadership of the People’s Party to Tongamp.
“Basically, this is because we need the numbers to make sure that he (O’Neill) is called to form the Government,” he told The National.