Social media taking away our moral values


THE easy accessibility of social media, especially Facebook, on smartphones is rampantly catalysing to decay our moral values in PNG.
I believe the same is true everywhere else in the global village where social media is accessed.
The flipside of the easy usage of social media affordable smartphones far outweighs the benefits we derive from it.
Our children and young people are more vulnerable as they indulge in illicit and harmful uses of social media.
Almost all social media users barely optimise its benefits.
An interesting account prompted me to reach the conclusion and write this is of a young woman’s two contrasting Facebook posts.
Earlier she posted some insightful words of wisdom and it received a few likes.
I presumed they may not have understood the content but just pressed like on the user interface for the sake of liking it.
What intrigued me to compare with the first post and write this is a posting that showed a picture of her dressed erotically.
The second post received many sexy comments and compliments especially from learned men and it attracted love and likes from almost all her more than 2900 Facebook friends.
In essence, social media driving people mad to go for cosmetic beautify to fulfil their lust than going for the inward beauty of people revealed through their words.
It is a pity that given the affordability of smartphones on the street markets nowadays, many school aged children own them and go into Facebook.
The children’s vulnerability leads them to have excess and expose themselves at such tender age to many bad things that is going on in the social media, let alone faceless people with pseudo names in pornographic pictures.
It is a frightening trend as school aged children as well as adults who are already affected by the Facebook syndrome use Facebook without restraint.
This addiction is lowering their concentration level in school and at work, directly affecting their performance.
Moreover, social media is somewhat fuelling family violence, divorce, adultery, murder, polygamy, promiscuity, spread of HIV/AIDS.
However, only those who live in union with Jesus Christ would appreciate Facebook technology as a forum where people share constructive ideas.
The only way to save our children and ourselves from these social ills promoted by social media is to receive Christ for who He is.
Message to take home: Mathew 24.12: “…. because iniquity will be multiplied, the love of many will grow cold.”
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Komson Nick, Via email