Society decaying


The recent surge in gender-based violence (GBV) puts to light a moral decay in our society.
Men these days seem to be having little or no respect for the womenfolk.
A far worse scenario it is.
The violence of all form – rape, incest, torture, and murder to name a few, has been stacked against the weaker sex in recent times.
Yet their cries have been given not so much attention if any.
The safety of our mothers, aunties, sisters … the womenfolk, in general, does not seem to show an inch of existence when they are all scared and ever vigilant moving around in public places.
Even a female driver has to be more careful.
This is a clear indication of the imbalance of gender in the fabric of our society today.
Marching with time and age, life has changed more from that of the past to an advanced and modern form and shape where traditional and cultural perceptions of societies have been done away with, the unfair treatment of women to name the least.
We are now in the 21st century where everything has changed and our perception and ways of thinking should also be on par with the global trend, as opposed to our confined cultural attachments.
Thus, inflicting pain on our women and preying on them is but a primitive mentality of the old school, when more proper mediums can be sought to address marital affairs and family issues.
Despite, awareness and campaigns on gender equality PNG continue to soar high with reported cases of domestic violence.
According to The Guardian, a trusted source, 67 per cent of women suffer domestic violence in PNG, which I think one would have no grounds to argue.
Efforts put into bringing down the rates have proved ineffectual given our cultural links and weaker law enforcement systems.
We are heading towards the cliff.
In the span of just a month or two, PNG has seen the ‘work of the devil’ – men taking domestic violence to its heights.
Not so long ago, a young woman named Debbie was severely beaten up by her husband who happened to be an officer in the PNGDF.
Video footage of her beating went viral on social media and sparked wider criticism, which I believe has put the culprit’s head down.
Now, after a shorter stretch of time the hellish torture and murder of a young mother-of-two, Jenelyn Kennedy came on the card.
Jenelyn suffered a painful death at the hands of her very own lover, a piece of news too sad to digest.
The extent of the torture is gruesome and pure satanic.
It is unthinkable in its entirety, and let me say, the thickest ever sin to men and God.
How on earth would you keep locking up and torturing the very woman you claim to love, and the mother of your kids?
This is insane and demands the highest possible penal measure, if the death penalty, so be it.

Wess Alnaki


  • What clearer sign of moral decay is a convicted rapist getting over 72000 votes in the 2017 election
    for Madang Regional seat.
    That is about half the total votes cast.
    What moral persons would vote for such a person with a terrible character.

    • That is why Madang is now paying the price with all kinds of lawlessness and murders.

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