Southern Highlands ready to host: Molumi


Southern Highlands is ready to host the Papua New Guinea Games regardless of when it is held, says local organising committee chairman Sape Molumi.
He made this statement in a press conference in Port Moresby yesterday after PNG Games director John Susuve said it was “highly likely” that next year’s event would be rescheduled to 2021.
Molumi said preparations and construction of venues had already begun and progress was on schedule to deliver by next year.
“Work on the main stadium for the track and field events in Mendi has already begun,” Wolumi said.
“The track is under productions in China and it will be arriving in February and by March, we will have a track.
“We are looking at hosting 19 codes.
“We are also looking at involving two other districts in the province, apart from Mendi.
“Kagua will host soccer and Nipa will host to basketball with the finals scheduled to be played in Mendi.
“The reconstruction of the airport will be completed on time and will be opened.
“All the roads leading into Mendi and around the town are almost completely sealed.”