State expecting inquiry findings

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THE findings of a general board of inquiry into the deaths of two soldiers during a training exercise in Kupiano, Central early last month will be forwarded to the Government, says Defence Minister Win Daki.
“The finding of this general board of inquiry is of utmost importance to national security,” he said.
“I will provide appropriate advice to the Government.”
The inquiry was established on July 21 following the conclusion of an internal investigation by the PNG Defence Force into the incidents of July 4. Daki appointed Colonel Bruno Malau to chair the board, with Deputy State Solicitor Jena Kuliniasi, Senior Counsel Sumasy Singin and retired Navy Officer Emmanuel Gorea as members.
The first sitting is at Apec Haus today.
“Over the next six months, with a possible extension to a 12-month period, the inquiry will be (looking) into all areas of defence administration, operations and training,” he said.
“This will set into motion the basis of which some problem areas will be carefully scrutinised, analysed and recommendations made to rectify these problems.”
Daki said the department and the defence force were expected to cooperate to ensure the inquiry was conducted smoothly.
Chief of Defence Force Major-General Mark Goina confirmed last week that the force would be subject to an inquiry.
He said the inquiry would be separate from the department and they would cooperate to make sure that such tragic incidents never happen again.