Stay away from married men


I AM glad Richard Niapam of Port Moresby shared the wise words of his mother for young girls and single women who are courting or may end up courting married man.
My advice to young girls and single women is, married man are only after you to satisfy their sexual desires.
They don’t care if they defile or harm you.
They are what one would call sugar daddies.
They prey on young gullible girls and single women and when they are done, they go back to their wives and children.
Their wives will always be their number one.
You are just a sideline or concubine.
My question to you is, “do you want to be the second, third or fourth best”?
Of course not, you want to be the one and only and not be labelled as a marriage breaker or second or third wife.
Remember God created one Adam and one Eve.
He did not create one Adam and two Eves.
He created one each so they can support each other through thick and thin.
When man starts looking at other women, he is already committing adultery, breaking one of the 10 commandments of God.
And when adultery is committed, a curse is brought upon him and his family.
So young girls and single women, please do not be deceived by married man, they will only ruin your life and the lives of their families.
Your soul mate is out there, be patient and let God be the one to lead him to you.
