Stop getting news from station bosses, media told


National Capital District Metropolitan Police Supt Perou N’dranou, pictured, wants the media to stop getting reports from the Police Station Commanders (PSCs).
“PSCs are not authorised to speak to the media under the Police Act,” he said.
“They are breaching the law when they give out information to the media.
“It is wrong and PSCs who are found releasing information can face disciplinary action or even be charged with breaching the laws.”
N’dranou said he was the only one authorised in NCD to release information to the media.
“There are laws and protocols in the police force and the media must respect and observe protocols so that we can work together in disseminating correct information to the public.
“This is a partnership, let’s work together,” he said.
N’dranou also called on PSCs to observe protocols and to report or give information to the media through the Metropolitan Superintendent’s Office (MSO).
“Likewise, for the media, if I refer you to the PSCs, you get the information and refer back to my office for final confirmation and attribute the story to the MSO,” he said.
N’dranou made the remarks following mainstream media reports attributing to PSCs in the National Capital District.