Students celebrate fashion, help identify culture, tradition, says director


STUDENTS from the St MaxMillian Kolbe Kindergarten in Mt Hagen staged a cultural and fashion show on Friday to help promote their culture and identity, according to the school director.
The kindergarten is located inside the Baisu jail in Western Highlands.
Students dressed in their traditional costumes and performed traditional dances, showing their pride.
School director Fr Robert Nolie said the purpose of the fashion show was to promote identity and focus on childhood learning.
He said students needed to be taught when they were young so they could put that into practise as they grew.
Fr Robert said the show would help the students fit into various societies in future. “Promoting early childhood learning is the key because that is the fundamental of shaping a person’s life,” he said.
“We are teaching them to showcase their culture and talents because that is where they will start to learn and continue to maintain what they learnt.”
Fr Robert described it as an important side of life for the students because once they grew up they would know how to fit into society.