Students in Northern school get new classrooms

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STUDENTS at a school in Sohe, Northern, are enjoying their new classrooms built through funding by the Papua New Guinea and Australia governments.
More than 140 students at the Gorari elementary and primary schools, who used to sit on the ground in classrooms built using bush materials, are now using desks and chairs.
A 9000-litre was tank has also been installed to provide clean water to the more than 140 students.
The project comes under a K10 million education infrastructural package funded by the PNG-Australia partnership in Kokoda.
It includes eight fully-furnished double classrooms, five classroom upgrades and nine new staff quarters.
The Kokoda Initiative is a partnership between Australia and Papua New Guinea.
It supports remote villages along the Kokoda Track as part of a commitment to provide the people with better access to quality health and education, protect the environment and improve the safety of locals and trekkers.
The students come from Gorari and Kebara villages in Sohe.