Students to conduct population control awareness


PLANS are underway for a newly formed students association to conduct awareness in communities about the purpose of population control, association president Joram Kilwa Kapma says.
Kapma said Population Studies Student’s Association from the University of Papua New Guinea, was established this year by final year students to educate people about the importance of population control.
“Our association has just been established and we do not have financial and logistical capacity to move around as yet, but we are planning to do so as soon as we have the support and capacity,” Kapma said.
He said that population was a big issue that needed attention, and as young leaders, they had taken the first step in establishing the association.
He said overpopulation had contributed to the rise in socio-economic and environmental problems, affecting the wellbeing of people at all levels.
He said people must be informed about the impacts of overpopulation.
Kapma said the association was timely in light of issues affecting the country and the choices people made amid these challenges.
He said it would be a huge challenge for the students and as the president, he would do his best.
Organisation that were ready to support the students in the programme were the National Statistics Office and United Nation World Population Fund.