Students told to read to be smart


PAPUA New Guinea Book Foundation has donated 50 business and economics textbooks to students at the University of Papua New Guinea.
The foundation promotes the habit of reading, and the founder, Nathan John, a former economics student and now tutor in the economics department of the School of Business and Public Policy has encouraged the students to use the books.
The books were gifted by Professor Scott James, of Colorado University, in the United States.
The school’s executive dean, Professor Lekshmi Pilai, acknowledged the foundation and encouraged the students to read a lot and make use of any available resource.
Head of Economics Dr Albert Prabhakar told the students to value books and see it as an important resource to obtain knowledge.
“Whatever being taught in the lecture room is not enough to understand the large scope of the theory,” he said.
“A student must read books and make your own lecture notes.”
Economics Students’ Society president Collin Nixon acknowledged the donation and appealed to current and former economics students to “give back in whatever ways possible.”